Zihuatanejo: Massages, Surf and Pastor, What More Can You Ask For?


190 nautical miles will normally take Agape about 34 hours to sail, we usually average 5.6 knots, or 6.5 mph. So what do four people do within 42 feet of each other for a day and a half passage you ask? Not Much. Overnight and multi-day passages on Agape are normally pretty mellow. On board we have two autopilots, a hydraulic one below deck and our wind vane that hangs off the stern. So after twenty minutes of hand steering I get bored and turn on the autopilot.

Putting out our two fishing poles and hand line usually knocks out 30 minutes or so picking out which lures to use and getting them all rigged and set up, but then its just a waiting game. After that, it is a lot of butt time. Reading, watching movies, and talking, luckily Rhianna and Weston were still with us so we had good company and conversation for all our watches.

We got in a five hour spinnaker sail and some challenging light wind sailing. The high point of our sail was catching a marlin on the hand line that we were able to release. We saw tons of other wildlife as we drifted along including whales, dolphins, jumping devil rays and turtles.

Luckily we were able to release this beauty.

Luckily we were able to release this beauty.

Agape and friends anchored off Zihuatanejo.

Agape and friends anchored off Zihuatanejo.

We ended up making pretty good time and got into Zihua at midday on the 5th, with enough day light left to launch the dinghy and head into town to do some shopping and get dinner out.

For many boaters Z-town is as far south as they go before turning back north to make the most of the cruising season in the Sea of Cortez or beginning preparations to cross the Pacific.

Sunset beach walk with Rhianna.

Sunset beach walk with Rhianna.

Fisherman heading out for the night.

Fisherman heading out for the night.

Rachel's sister would be with us for only four more days, so we made the most of our time left together snorkeling, souvenir shopping, massages on the beach, surfing, lazy margarita afternoons and even hired a panga to take the boys out fishing for a day and scored a big tuna.

We were thankful to have Rhianna come down to visit and to see such a fun city like Zihuatanejo!

Chatting up the local fisherman about their catches.

Chatting up the local fisherman about their catches.

Rachel and I would end up spending 23 days anchored here relaxing, surfing, fishing and exploring. We even managed to knock off a few sneaky things that made it on our never-ending to do list while here.

We often get people asking were the best places to go on vacation are, and this would definitely be one of them, especially if you are a surfer. Zihua is surrounded with great surf spots, delicious food, and friendly locals. There are also $10 massages right on the beach!!! I  recommend asking for "quatro manos" or four hands, where you get two people massaging you for an hour for just $20. I believe our friend John on Halcyon came up with this one and I think it's genius!!!!

Free diving with Jesus!

Free diving with Jesus!

Daily surf session.

Daily surf session.

You know you’ve made it to the tropics when a weeks worth of laundry is six pairs of board shorts.

You know you’ve made it to the tropics when a weeks worth of laundry is six pairs of board shorts.

Rented bikes on Easter weekend to check out the beaches of nearby Ixtapa. Everyone else had the same idea!

Rented bikes on Easter weekend to check out the beaches of nearby Ixtapa. Everyone else had the same idea!
